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      Apple prodlužuje trial MobileMe

      Dnes jsem dostal od Applu mail. Je to jeden z těch, který lze považovat za příjemný.

      MobileMe Update

      We have already made many improvements to MobileMe, but we still have many more to make. To recognize our users' patience, we are giving every MobileMe subscriber as of today a free 60 day extension. This is in addition to the one month extension most subscribers have already received. We are working very hard to make MobileMe a great service we can all be proud of. We know that MobileMe's launch has not been our finest hour, and we truly appreciate your patience as we turn this around. Read this article for more details.

      The MobileMe Team



      Prosím tě, když registruju MobileMe, chce to po mě číslo kreditky... jde to nějak obejít?


      To bohužel nevím, protože já ho zadával.